Welcome to Friendship Force of Knoxville, tn
A World of Friends is a
World of Peace
A World of Friends is a
World of Peace
Friendship Force is a non-profit international organization that promotes cultural understanding through personal contact. The Friendship Force of Knoxville utilizes travel as a means to meet people from different cultures and places rather than emphasizing the place itself. By being a guest in other people's homes and by inviting them to be a guest in our homes, we believe we can break barriers that divide us.
Change the way you see the world!
For More Information About Friendship Force International, please visit their website at https://friendshipforce.org/
San Antonio Inbound at Appalachian Museum w/FFK
Note from the President
Friendship Force Knoxville used our February Program meeting to celebrate World Friendship Day (officially March 1). You will read about the experience at Aroma Kitchen Restaurant in the March newsletter. Indian cuisine was sampled by all in attendance.
March will be a busy month as FFK prepares for two inbound journeys in the month of April: FF Greater Harrisburg, April 5-8 and FF Los Angeles, April 24 -29. If you have not yet responded to the participation survey for the Greater Harrisburg journey, please do so as soon as possible. Another participation survey will be distributed regarding your participation interest in the FF Los Angeles inbound journey. Please do not ignore these requests for your responses so that the Journey Committees can plan appropriately.
No sooner than our inbound journeys are leaving, our first outbound journey to the Spokane, Washington area is around the corner, the first week in June. As always, the fun and friendship never stop!
March also promises an interesting program regarding life in Colombia. This program will be given by a friend of Bruce and Janis Robinson, Raúl Rivero. Please plan to attend on March 25th, 6:30 p.m. at TVUUC. It will be very informative. The Program Committee is working diligently to provide a variety of international and cultural experiences for our monthly programs.
In friendship, Karen Scott, President